Bite-Sized Stories
Look what just dropped into the stores of all major retailers! Best of all, if it's not free now, it will be soon, so you won't need to...

How the Dragonblood series came about.
For quite some time now, I’ve had readers contacting me to ask if I was planning to write more in the Foxblood world, some of them just...

Cover Reveal for New Series.
It's time for a little sneak peek at the gorgeous covers that will be gracing the next installments of my fantasy series! And here they...

New Year, New Covers!
I produced my old covers myself, and I was proud of the way they turned out. But as much as I loved them, I felt it was time to give my...

Nine devilish bites to get your freak on.
I've always coveted all the multi-author boxsets I see on Amazon and dreamed that one day I might be part of one. Well, thanks to some...
New Website
Finally taken the plunge and decided a new website was in order. My old site host had changed web builders, and I could not get things to...