An Interview with Joshua Jackson Star of ‘Kiss the Tiger’
Welcome Joshua. Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
Not much to say, really. I come from an average working class family: Mum, dad, brother, conventional set-up. Mum’s an admin assistant; Dad’s an accountant. It’s pretty mundane stuff. If you’re looking for drama you won’t find it.
But things with your brother were pretty dramatic, no?
We fought. What brothers don’t?
I believe there was a little more to it than that. Tell us about the events that led you to be in Greece.
My brother’s always been a taker, but when he stole something from me, something very dear to me. It caused a big upset in our family. I was in Greece at the request of my parents. They’d demanded my brother and me to reconcile.
And did you?
Haven’t you read the story? All I’ll say is that, although the conflicts I’ve had with Jacko have made me a stronger person, I’m through trying to make it work.
So Greece wasn’t a holiday for you.
Hell, no. I had to work every damn day. Of course, things looked up after Amy arrived.
You first met Amy at college, correct?
What was your initial impression of her?
She had a great rack!
And seriously?
What makes you think I wasn’t being serious? *shrugs* Okay, she intrigued me.
Why did you give up on her so easily, back then?
After what happened, I thought I’d be a constant reminder. I couldn’t put her through any more pain.
Have you ever discussed what happened?
Not in detail. And we never will. Amy dealt with it in her own way, and we’ve moved on. Can we change the subject, please?
Okay. What do you love most about her?
That’s easy. I love the way she stares at me when she thinks I’m not looking. She acts all cool and aloof when, secretly, I know she can’t wait to get into my pants.
I can see why *blushes* How did you feel when you first saw Amy again?
The old feelings came rushing back. I knew I couldn’t let her go again, but I was nervous about how we would overcome the barrier of my brother.
What would you say is the overall theme of your story?
*Silently contemplates the question* Sometimes life throws you a curveball, but never give up hope.
Tell us about your tattoo.
Oh yeah, you like it. I’ve had it since college. My mate and I got bored, one time, and decided to get inked up. I chose something that represented personal power and the ability to overcome obstacles. *chuckles* My mate put his ex-girlfriend’s name in a heart. He’s still regretting that one.
Yes, I bet. So, tell me. What makes you happy?
Being with my girl.
Naturally. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to do a quick fire five.
Where would your dream vacation be?
A secluded beach with only Amy for company.
What do you wear in bed?
Nothing, babycakes. *winks*
Who was your first love?
My motorbike.
Three words that best describe you.
Persistent, loyal, *cocks eyebrow* sexy.
Who would play you in a movie?
Hmm… A young Rob Lowe would be good, or, I know, Colton Haynes. Yeah, he’s a cool guy.
What’s next for Josh and Amy? A beach wedding in Greece?
*laughs* Good one. No. Amy wants to return to Greece for a holiday, but I’ll be taking her to a different island. At the moment, we’re both busy with our careers and enjoying life. As for marriage, let’s just say you’ll have to watch this space.
Well, thank you for the interview, Josh. I had fun.
No problem, sweetcheeks.
An Interview with Nessie from ‘Kiss the Tiger’
Hi there. Welcome to the chair. Tell the audience who you are and how you fit into the story.
Hi. My name is Vanessa, but everyone calls me Nessie, and it isn’t my story; it’s my sister Amy’s.
Well, we’re happy to have you here, all the same.
Are you sure?
I’m sorry?
*shuffles in her chair* I bet you would have preferred to be interviewing Josh. I mean, who wouldn’t?
I admit it’s always a bonus when I get a hottie in the seat, but I believe he had a previous engagement.
Oh yeah. He’s in demand that boy.
Do you ever wish things could have worked out differently? After all, you did want him for yourself.
My libido wanted him, hell yes. And just between you and me, * Nessie winks* sometimes I get the old ‘what if’, but my libido’s perfectly satisfied now, thank you.
So, you had a good holiday?
Pretty good. A little frustrating, and of course, falling out with Amy was a low point.
That’s understandable. *nods in agreement* How is your relationship with your sister now?
We’re friends again, but to be perfectly honest, I haven’t seen much of her, since she started working. She kinda moved out, and I miss her being around, but I go to visit her at Josh’s apartment, or we arrange to meet for lunch, occasionally. I guess it’s all part of growing up, eh?
Absolutely. And what are you doing with your life now?
I started uni.
Good for you. How’s that going?
Great. Yeah. I’m enjoying it. I get to play around, designing outfits all day. It’s fun.
Are you wearing one of your creations today? *Notes the rather quirky tight dress in bright blocks of colour*
Yes. Do you like it? *stands up and strikes a pose*
It’s very unusual.
Thank you. It’s my boyfriend’s favourite.
Are you still with the same guy?
Surprisingly, yes. I don’t get to see him as often as I’d like, but when we do meet, he treats me like a princess.
How so?
He likes to buy me things, and I like getting presents.
He spoils you.
Isn’t that what men are for? Well, one of the things, anyway. *giggles*
Quite so. What’s your favourite thing that money can’t buy?
Oh, that’s easy. Mum’s cooking.
Ah, that’s sweet. Do you want to be like your mum?
Good grief, no. I’m going to do something with my life.
You don’t think your mother made the right choices?
I’m not here to judge my mother. Let’s just say, I’m not the housewife type.
So, if you could be any famous person, who would you be?
Vivienne Westwood. Seriously, have you seen her? The woman’s amazing.
*nods* Mmm. A couple of random questions now. What do you hate most about yourself?
*laughs* I hate my boobs. They’re so small. I’m always telling Amy how unfair it is that she got my share.
Do you have any pets?
I wish. I love animals. Every birthday, I used to ask for a kitten, but Mum doesn’t like mess around the house, so I never got one. When I get my own place, I’m going to get a cat with long, white fur, and give it a diamond studded collar.
You’ll need to be rich for that. *chuckles*
My husband will get it me, for a wedding present.
Yes. I heard your boyfriend was quite the catch. So when is Nessie going to get her story?
Ha. I’ve heard rumours that one might be planned, but I think it could be a while yet.
When it happens, do you think you’ll still be with your current man?
Oh, I hope so.
I hope so too. I love happy endings. Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your life.
Thank you for having me.