YA Bookshelf Summer Scavenger Hunt
Stop #38
Hi Everyone!
So happy you made it here from T.J.Muir's site. Are you having a good time? Collecting lots of treasure? Of course you are., and I'd like to add to your stash by offering you one of my books for FREE. No catches, no mailing list sign up required (though I'd love it if you would consider joining - pink button, top right) just a genuine thank-you-for-being-here gift. How's that?
Click here to claim your copy.
I also have a permafree you might consider picking up.
All done? Great! Let's continue the fun with a little poem hiding the next word you'll need to enter for the main prize.
Mr. Black
My old Headmaster Mr Black
Made all the students shiver.
You’d feel his eyes bore through your back
Like he could eat your liver.
On the look out all the time.
Was he on the prowl?
Spots even the smallest crime;
Hear his famous growl.
‘Fix your tie boy, stand up straight,
You need a haircut lad.
Get to class before you’re late.
You won’t like me when I’m mad.’
‘Why’re you covered in all that crap?
Go wash it off this moment.
Ladies don’t wear that much slap.’
He truly was a rodent.
Outside his office delinquents stood
Line growing by the hour.
Sounds OF flesh beaten by wood
Made passing students cower.
He died last week. I wasn’t there.
Head slammed into a locker.
Every student raised a cheer.
But I’ll miss the grumpy focker.

Got that? Then you're ready to proceed to author #39 Beth Rogers. GOOD LUCK!
Here's the link back to the main site and rules, if you need it. The YA Shelf.